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Dedicated to the accomplished philosopher and poet Thiruvalluvar, this beautiful statue finds itself on a small island near Kanyakumari. Thiruvalluvar was the author of a legendary work in the world of Literature, Tirukkural, the classic Tamil text. In his devotion, the work for the statue started in 1990 and continued till 1999, during the year in which the figure finally got completed. This monument stands tall at a mighty height of 133 feet and is perched upon a 38-foot pedestal. The pedestal's height represents the 38 chapters of virtue in Thirukkural. Full of symbolism and cultural significance, this destination is awe-inspiring, and a must visit. The sky-high statue amid the deep ocean outgives spiritual atmosphere of pleasure and prosperity to be enjoyed with a strong base of virtue. Surrounded by the waters, the statue is settled at an ideal location, and a short ferry ride can quickly help you reach the masterpiece. With the hazel blue sky in the background and the crystal clear sea waters below, the picture painted by this destination is humbling. The premises of the statue also has a temple which a quaint spot for meditation. The resounding silence of this temple will lull your thoughts to an introspective calmness. Furthermore, it is a perfect option to go for if you wish to spend a few hours away from the humdrum of daily life. The statue, dedicated to the Saint-poet which was inaugurated at the beginning of the new millennium, stands high as the flare of light which even today continues to guide the human life.

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